Monday, January 09, 2006

Sunday night

Another weekend has ended, a new week in a new year. Kaylee had fun at Steak and Shake. She is normally a wonderful baby when we go out. We went to Toys R Us and looked at toddler car seats. Kaylee is almost ready for the leap from infant carrier to toddler seat.
I hate the waiting part when I order stuff online, but I love getting presents in the mail during the week.

Darn it. I had a thought and it just ran away. It was kidnapped by a TV commercial.

I got a USB memory thing at Target today. 256mb for 19.99. I needed something to get Kaylee's pictures from my Mom's PC to mine. I have been having trouble getting them online in a timely manner. This was much easier. Just drag and drop and carry the little bugger home and poof the pics are on my PC. I love technology.

Hubby went fishing on the ocean with his buddy. Apparently they caught some fish, which they threw back. They had a great time. Ofcourse then I got to tease him.

Can't think of more now. Until next time.

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