Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I am headed home. It...

I am headed home. It is rainy. It is windy. We need to send this rain(?) on(?) north cause I have a [...]. listen

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sitting Here

So many people have been sick this week, myself included. And I thought I was getting better, but I am tired and achy today. Here's hoping its the rain.
And it sure did rain today. Lots and lots of rain.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Well it's Friday night...

Well it's Friday night and I'm trying out Jott to see how it works to send a blog, let's see if it transcribes it pretty well. I'm glad it's Friday starting the weekend. Talk to everybody later.
Click here to listen

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Wow - i haven't said much in months - been busy with Pinstack, PDAStreet, BlackBerrys, WoW, and Twitter....

Friday, May 04, 2007

Trouble sleeping

I am having issues sleeping tonight. I am just not sleepy. How about you?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

BlackBerry Is Back And School Woos

Well, I was glad to get my BlackBerry back up and running at full speed this morning while I was out with my family at breakfast.

On a sad note, I noticed today and yesterday that local officers had blocked off a road to get to my mom's house that was next to a local High School and the parking lot entrance. I had no idea why, and my mom, being snoopy as she sometimes is, found out. Apparently there was a bomb threat, today and yesterday. As if that is not bad enough, there are threats all over the country at schools. It is really very sad.

Even The Browser Is Working

Now even the web browser is working.

Thank heavens.

Looks Like BlackBerry Data Is Back

Thank heavens. Lots of email is coming thru. My web browser is back.

Not sure if the browser is working. My test emails I sent late last night finally came. :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

BlackBerry Service Seems To Be Out

Seems like BlackBerry Service for the North America is not working fully if at all.

It is affecting multiple networks, Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile to name a few.

Email is hit and miss, web browsing is not working at all.

Started for me around 9pm ET.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Can't Sleep

Well it is very late. I was very tired, crawled into bed, and then all of the sudden wide awake.

Kaylee will wake up in the morning and want to get up. I, however, will not want to.

We have been having troubles with people, or a particular person parking in our assigned parking spot at our apartment building. It is becoming a problem.

Kaylee told me today that an apple is a fruit. She was very proud of herself. She continued to show me the various animal sounds she know, like pig, dog, and bird. She loves to show off.

I should probably try to sleep... but I am playing World of Warcraft instead. Maybe just one more quest.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

T-Mobile BlackBerry 8800 Rumored April 23rd

Over on Pinstack a T-Mobile worker bee says that the employees were told the 8800 will be out on April 23rd.

No word on features or how this might effect a May release of another new BlackBerry rumored on T-Mobile.

Keep up to date on it here.

Of course Heroes fans are already looking forward to that Monday....

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A new year

Well, as you can see I have been lazy about posting to my blog. Or you could say I have been so busy with other endeavors.

Either way, Kaylee is bigger and I am older...

Speaking of older... I get a message on My Space from the person setting up my 10 year high school reunion. 10 years..... yikes. I can't believe it has been that long. It sure does make me feel very old. :(

Of course the next question is to go, or not to go. I have not been back to Virginia. I left to come to Florida and I never looked back.