Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another Week Gone By

Made it to another weekend.

Billie has been calming down some. Its nice. She will now sit with you and look around without screaming.
Kaylee has continued to want to watch Harry Potter. She even took the first movie to Nana's to watch with grandma. Of course the first time she took it over the Dvd wasn't in the case. Kaylee was heartbroken.

I upgraded my BlackBerry last night. It wasn't flawless as the backup didn't work. Then it wouldn't connect to desktop manager for a restore. I thought I was out all my personal stuff on the BB. In the end I installed Desktop Manager again and it restored.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kaylee and Harry Potter

K seemed to like the first Harry Potter movie, so when she asked to watch Harry Potter #2, it seemed like a good idea.

I forgot about the spiders, and how scary the snake looked. She didn't want to grab my pillow from the bedroom she was so scared at one point.

Yet by the end of the movie she was happy and said she loved it. Let's hope she's not going to have nightmares of giant snakes and spiders chasing her around.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Another Day

So much noise about banks, finance, and morgates. I am tired of it.

And gas gouging in florida, jeesh. We are not running low on gas, just money.

We have been watching Fringe. Its different and wierd, but I think we like it. Thanks to TiVo and amazon the hubby and I got to watch Knight Rider. I had to explain to the hubby it is not the old Knight Rider sevral times. I wonder if a lot of people ran into that.
New Heroes on Monday. I can't wait. And Wednesday I can see the new Chuck, also thanks to TiVo and Amazon.

Billie slept through the night last night. I hope she will again tonight. Kaylee was a little cranky and still had her runny nose. Here's hoping for a good night's rest.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ways of the little ones

My husband loves what he calls kayleeisms. Cute yet meaningful things our 3 year old will say. His favorite is "I want to be a super hero, but I keep ending up a waitress."

Kaylee was a little under the weather these past few days. Nothing like a child, sick and still running around getting into trouble. She bumped her lip under a table at her favorite resturant, pretending to be a tiger. She told me she found 4 tigers under the table in sunny Florida.

And Billie, she seems to be learning to deal with life. She will be three months old at the end of the month. Its hard to believe its been that long. She is looking around and inspecting the world now.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

2000 Tweets

Wow. When did I send all those tweets. 2000 is a lot of anything. Too bad its tweets instead of dollars. I must like twitter.

So, let me take a moment to talk about Twitter.

Like many people I use it to communicate with friends, near and far. I use it for information, from Blackberry news, just to plain old news. I get political information, is there anyone not following Obama regardless of which side you are on? I have seen road closures in Iowa due to hogs thanks to Twitter. I have kept up to date on recalls, including recent pet food and infant formula issues. I have heard about earthquakes, train accidents, and other events first via Twitter. I even received updates on Fay when it was here and Ike in Texas all on Twitter.

One thing is certain, Twitter can keep a girl busy.

Sunday Afternoon

Baby Billie is full. Time to figure out lunch for the rest of us, so needless to say I'm dawdling instead.

I survived another week with minimal sleep. :) Hopefully it will start getting better. Billie sometimes sleeps through the night.

I am so excited about the upcoming Tivo application for BlackBerrys. I can't wait to see what it can do. I discovered yesterday I can catch the upcoming new episode of Chuck and Knight Rider early courtsey of my Tivo and amazon unbox. I can't wait. I love downloading stuff on my Tivo over the web. Between amazon unbox and mp3 downloads I am gonna be broke. ;)