Sunday, November 29, 2009


Well, another Thanksgiving is behind us. Thanksgiving aka Turkey day, happens to be one of my favorite holidays. I like turkey, and mashed potatoes, and stuffing.

However it has been a rough week. The big problem, Billie got sick. She had a fever. And of course it was worst Thanksgiving. Why does she always get sick late at night, weekends, and holidays?
So Friday the husband took her to the Urgent Care office as the regular doctor's was closed. They checked for strep, flu, all negative. So he said it was a virus, and sent him off to Publix for antibiotics.
We now think Billie is allergic. She got worse after we started the medicine. She got a little rash and started to have the nastiest blow out poo's I have ever seen. Trust me you do not want any more detail than that.
So we stopped the medicine yesterday. And not to much surprise she is much better today. So far no nasty blow outs, no screaming aches, and the rash is fading away. Granted, the rash may have only been heat rash, as Billie seems to get it a lot, but who knows.

SocialScope started acting up again today on my BlackBerry. After a quick email, which did not get a reply, it was back up and running. I keep UberTwitter installed as my back up. But twitter is not the same without SocialScope. I really hope it has not been abandoned. I am not sure as we have not had an update in a long time nor any tweets from their official twitter account.

I got some deals online at Amazon and Wal-Mart over the past few days. Mostly at Amazon. I think I have finished for the girls, and the husband. Now to finish everyone else.

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