Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Nasty Wednesday

Today was supposed to be good. A day off in the middle of the week. Relaxing with the family. Stayed up late last night, did a Heroic Dungeon in World of Warcraft. That was fun. I got a few new items, better than what I had. And it was the first time I had done the dungeon on heroic.

Then we retied and watched last night's V and last week's Fringe. And for anyone who saw my tweets last week, I gave in and bought Fringe from amazon. It was wierd to watch at first with no ads, but cool. Fringe scared me, I thought the shadow man was going to get me. I am a chicken, and terrified of the dark.
I woke up a few times during the night. Maybe if I had thought to go log in to my WoW (World of Warcraft) account or email account I might have stopped the attack. But I didn't.

This morning when the girls woke me up and I got them situated with breakfast I checked my email where my BlackBerry said I needed to reset my password on one of my email accounts. I thought it was odd, but went to the PC to take a look and reset the password on that email account. It wasn't until I got in and saw other emails that I realized it was the email account that is now my log in to WoW thanks to the battle net account change.
It was a fairly public email I used as my contact for most everything. In hindsight, that was a bad idea.

I reset my password for WoW and found my characters naked, itemless, and penniless. I sent in an email and my husband realized both guild banks had been picked dry. He opened an in game ticket and they said my case was in queue and we should hopefully get everything back, but it would take a few days.

I have created a new email account just for my WoW account. I went through and changed all my email accounts passwords to randomized ones. A pain in the butt to type in, but more secure. I also ordered my husband and I Blizzard tokens (authenticators) we have to wait 15 days as Blizzard for whatever reason did not support any of the newer BlackBerrys for the mobile version.

When I say newer, I mean the 8900 or the Storm, both have been out for quite some time. I am not talking about the 8700 or Storm 2 that just came out.

So now I can't play WoW until they fix my account which could be several days. My in games friends and I all feel violated.
I hadn't installed any programs. Matter of fact this PC was wiped and re-loaded just before Halloween to install Windows 7. It also came up with a clean scan that was run this morning at 4am, right around the time I was attacked.

I find myself wondering what happened. And what I can do to keep it from happening, at least until I get the token which should make it impossible to happen again.
And really what did this person gain for all their work? Not much really. Is this what buying gold leads to? Not that I have ever bought gold, but I understand one theory is the gold sellers hack accounts to get the gold to sell and to spam and sell from. Wouldn't that go away if WoW sold gold legally, so to speak?

Needless to say, I haven't put much thought into it yet. I am just upset that I was drug into this mess and my holiday and week has been messed up.

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