Sunday, November 08, 2009

Random Thoughts

So I'm wondering, what to write about tonight. The annoying ladies at work I share the bathroom with who can't flush their seat covers? I don't think that will lead anywhere positive.

Let's try something. I have an intense urge to write. Sadly the urge doesn't provide direction. I had the same problem when I was pregnant, both times, with food. I wanted something to eat, but nothing ever seemed to be that something. It was just as annoying then. Maybe more so as I was bigger and couldn't always see my feet. You wouldn't think you would ever miss your feet, and then suddenly they become one of many things you can't get to for what seems like a very long time.

Look at me. Rambling aimlessly on about feet. I am not a foot person I swear. My youngest, Billie (often B for short) loves shoes. We have to keep her away from the shoe closet when we open it. She loves to pull them all out.

Today was an important day for B. She learned to take her diaper off in the middle of the living room while we entertained Kaylee playing Uno Rush on the Xbox 360. I squealed and Dave put her diaper back on. Apparently just in time as I changed her not 5 minutes later and it was nasty.

I should try and sleep. Not really sleepy, but I have to get up early for work. Sweet dreams.

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