Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunset On Another Adventure

It felt strange returning to work and my normal life this week. Clearly the Nasa Tweet-Up had more of an affect than I would have guessed. Was it the people? Was it the message? Was it space itself? Who knows. I am not going to question it.

I have never been around another group of over 100 people who, for the most part, didn't know each other, that were all so nice and friendly. If only every one and every gathering was like this. It would be wonderful.

Clearly Space Exploration is important. And just as clear, many people have forgotten about it. Can you blame them? These are not the best of times. Regardless of which side you are on, who or what you believe, times are tough. But that doesn't mean we let something as monumental as space pass us by. Exploration is what we do.
Plus, I would rather be visiting the ETs first than have them visiting us. With our sci fi movies, tv, and books, we are all bound to think they are here to kill us, enslave us, or eat us. Gets good ratings, box office sales, or best seller lists.
Maybe I should write a story where the aliens are not here to use and abuse us. . . .

Some great places to check out - A lot of the members of this group were at the tweet-up, they are good people.

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