Friday, September 13, 2013

Gallifreyan Translator - From Doctor Who - For the BlackBerry Q10

Good morning to the world.

I tried out another app on my BlackBerry Q10.  This time it is the Gallifreyan Translator.  If you have no clue what Gallifreyan is then you need to pop over to Amazon Prime Videos (you have Prime don't you) and watch Doctor Who.

This app is just for fun.  It downloaded with no issue for me. When it opens up you type in the text you want translated.  I trying with How Are You Today?  Below is the result.

You can also save a file from your phone, say from your friend and open them up in the app and it shows you the English text it represents.

Pretty cool for Doctor Who fans.  Even if you just post up a random image for fun.
As for the accuracy of the translations, I watch the show, but I don't speak the language, so I can't say. Overall pretty cool regardless.

I wish there was a version on the Android app store.  I looked in Google Play and only found a Gallifreyan Clock.
I could see this being fun to send the images to my husband and him back to me as secret messages.  :)

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