Thursday, September 12, 2013

BlackBerry Q10 - Checking Out PolarBear and QuickPost

I still have my BlackBerry Q10 and it works great over WiFi.  I still use it for BBM sometimes and play with it.
I noticed PolarBear is now out officially for BlackBerry 10 and I wanted to give it a go.  First thing I want to point out to anyone curious about it -- It is NOT a Twitter app.  It simply lets you post the same thing to multiple places.  It supports Twitter, Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger, and  They say there is more to come.
It lets you post from the browser and other apps.

There is another app I discovered QuickPost that does basically the same thing.  It supports BBM, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp.  It says more are to come as well.  It allows for attaching pictures.

I tried them both out today, but I don't think I am likely to use them. I usually post to twitter while looking over my twitter feed, usually Blaq on my BlackBerry and UberSocial on my S3.  I don't think I will leave twitter to go another app to make my post.  Same goes for Facebook, BBM, Google+, Blogger.  I guess there could be occasions when I want to post one thing to them all and then it might be useful, like when I update my blog.  But I do it so infrequently that I never really saw a need for an app to do it for me.

They both work well and have a good interface, so it really comes down to if the app covers the site you need it to.

I prefer it when an app offers access to more than one social media site, like Facebook and Twitter and Foursquare in one app.  This usually allows for cross posting if you want it from the app while you are looking at the feed there.

Just my two cents.

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