Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sick kaylee

Well, kaylee is sick. She has a high fever. We went to the dr this afternoon. Ultimatly we have to wait it out and it will probably go away on its own.
Kaylee is so tired and limp a lot of the time. Its so heartbreaking, she wants to just lie on my chest and rest. Which makes me get rather warm as well. She is eating and drinking, so no worries there.
We shall see what happens tomorrow. Hopefully the fever will go away and everything will be better.
She can't tell me what else is bothering her. :(
Ok, enough ranting about sick baby, I need to think about getting some sleep.
There was an issue today with the ship Crown Princess bringing it back to the cape. There were some people taken to the hospital. T is making it into something huge.
The shuttle landed safely this week. YEAH! And now we look to the next launch. Sounds like we might get a lot of launch shows here going forward. Oh and the new tropical storm. Can't forget that, even tho its not bearing down on fl this time. Phew wee.

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