Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Life's keeping me busy

We bought Kaylee a leash and harness this weekend. That should say it all.
I knew I would regret her walking. Just figured it would take longer.
She is also signing more for everything. I couldn't imagine not being able to communicate with her at all. All babies should learn basic signs. It makes life easier.
I am getting really irratated with people parking in our spots in the parking lot. We live in the back on the 3rd floor, so we get the closest parking spots. Which means they are the ones people steal the most. Drives me insane. I have a baby, dog, laptop, diaper bag, and purse that all leaves with me everyday. I hope it doesn't rain until after I leave in the am.
Well I should go to bed so I can get up with kaylee in the am.
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