Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Messy Tuesday

Well, Billie inhaled her bottle. I went to clean it and didn't hear the hubby calling me. Billie spit up all over him (in his undies), herself, the bed, and the clothes on the floor.

The dirty laundry increased a lot and we changed the freshly changed sheets. Billie got a new outfit. Hubby took a quick shower.

And in a stroke of tv ad timeliness the etrade baby was just on tv in the spit up ad.

On a sad note, my sister wanted to see the foot rattles on Billie tomorrow, bit she will have to wait as they were spit up on.

Now if only Billie would go to sleep so I can get some shut eye. Back to the old routine tomorrow. My mom is feeling better and ready to take the girls back on. My sister promised to be there to help out. Hopefully all goes well.

If I hadn't mentioned my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in December. She had surgery mid month, and then again yesterday. She says she will be getting radiation treatment. Things seem to be looking up for her.

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