Friday, March 31, 2006

Another Thing, or maybe two

Ok, what is up with parents getting mad about a school in FL that does a lil experiment every year where some students are picked to be "Jews" and treated worse than the others to show what happened in the holocost (I am probably spelling that wrong - sorry). I can understand it might be harder for a real jewish student, and agree that maybe using something else might be a little better, but overall I think it is brilliant and would sign my lil one up in a heartbeat (she's a lil young yet). A dad was mad his kid was crying.... but that was the point. It was a horrid time and horrid things happened, crying is a good response to that. It seems to me its just a Dad that wants to throw a fit about something, and this appeared. I could be wrong, but that is my two cents.

And in TX apparently you can get arrested while still in the bar for being drunk. I am not sure what the point is other than to destroy the bar business in TX, and quite possibly the entire tourist market there. I have no plans to travel in TX and although I am not a person to go to a bar and drink, I will avoid TX just on princapal.

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