Where Melissa comes to talk about whatever is on her mind. Often that is TV, movies, family, life, phones, or books to name a few.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Double Standards
My feelings are yes, I make more, but I am also gone more - I work further away and tend to put in more than 40 hours a week. He takes care of Kaylee more during the week and does a lot around the apartment as he has more time. I think its a fair trade. He doesn't. He doesn't like me paying his bills, or paying for stuff when we are out, or covering the larger part of the rent. I get away with it more now than I used to, we have a joint checking account and I can sneak extra money in without him knowing.
If I made less and did more at home it would be ok. However it doesn't work that way for him. Its that man must be the bread winner mentality. And it sucks.
I am a woman, but that doesn't make me less of a person... or vise versa. He is a great husband and father, and part of that is because he is home more during the week than I am.
And the worst part... I feel guilty about it all.
Evil social standards.....
The rest of the weekend
We picked up Kaylee at Mom's at 2am, came home and went to bed.
Today we went to Target and got food, and clothes, and a few other household items.
We have been cleaning a little, doing lots of laundry, and watching some TV the rest of the day.
Kaylee had some finger food, some little pastas and diced green beans. She had a grand old time with that. Made a bit of a mess... but that is ok, its bath night.
I have OS 4.1 on my Blackberry and I love it so far. There was something else on the BB side, but I can not recall it.
And the new diapers... Magicall is fine, just do not like the snaps. Bumgenuis is a great diaper. Wallypop is great too.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
I survived . .
At least the truck show. Now let's are if we can get out of the parking lot. The whole thing was ok. I liked the monsters from 104.1. The trucks were ok. I wasn't overly impressed. The tickets for next year go on sale at midnight. I am going to guess my hubby will want some. I am going to avoid it if I can. Huge crowd wasn't worth it.
Now my hubby agreed to go to the theater or such with me. Where should I take him?
Almost time
Its almost time. The big TV got messed up tho. Monsters in the morning are here. Drunky was in his bear costume.
Now up
Now we are seeing the demo derby mini vans. My hubby is upset they are acting like this is something new. Apparently it is not in Iowa. We saw some cars rub around in circles and some little toy cars earlier. There is a mini van with a beer keg on top what is wrong with people? Beer and cars is bad. The woman in the mini van won neat in show.
Now we are sitting
We are now setting in our seats. We are a little closer than I might like. They have the front rows covered in plastic and we are only the 4th row back from the plastic. Makes me a little nervous. We will have to are what happens. There is a drunk behind us and kids in front. My husband is trying to explain all this truck stuff to me. This place is very big. We have a lot time left before it starts. It better be amazing.
Waiting in line
Well we are waiting in line at the gate. Not a lot of fun. The pit stuff was not much fun. Some big trucks. Lots of people, lines and beer. No girly drinks tho. I could use a drink right now. **sigh**
Monday, January 23, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Baby pictures
Kaylee got ahold of my phone :)
I was having too much fun with the camera.
For you Blackberry oweners out there - check out pinstack - www.pinstack.com
I think its a great place to get info and news.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
No Clue
I have my BumGenuis. Used it once, so far I am liking it...the strechy tabs are cool. My hubby thinks the one size insert seems awful long. Still waiting on my MagicAll. Was hoping it would be here today, but it wasn't so I will have to wait until Monday :(
Watched last night's Monk and Thursday's CSI. They were great. We are having issues with our DVR box and it only recorded 1 minute of Atlantis and mised about 20m of John Doe. I was sad. :(
Kaylee is good.... and she is getting another top tooth... one in the middle.. finally. Shortly I will trade in vampire baby for a normal looking baby.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Something is Not Right
Thursday, January 19, 2006
New Most Viewed on Flickr
Flickr Photo
There are way too many cute baby pictures on there for that.... like this one
or this one
or this lovely picture of my hubby himself
I will try to get a picture of Kaylee in her Wallypop diaper for those who would like to see it. I should have a Magicall and BumGenius coming here in the next day or two as well. Both from Abby's Lane http://www.abbyslane.com/
I can't wait.
Another Late Night
Oh well. That is what tomorrow is for.
Kaylee is great. She was a happy little baby while I feed her dinner.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Cute Baby
Monday, January 16, 2006
Late One Monday.....
And here is a good night look from Kaylee.
Can't think of much else at the moment. I need to get Kaylee up and feed her the bedtime bottle. Until Next Time.
Good morning
Sounds like Kaylee is calming down. She was screaming a few minutes ago, needed a nap bad and didn't want to sleep.
The Rumpster is winning me over I think. It hasn't leaked yet. We will see what I think of the new two on thier way to me as well.
Well, time flies and I was distracted by news stories. I am off to work. Hope everyone has a great holiday.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
More diapers - -
I watched Desperate Houswives. It was good.
I will probably go watch Missing or another show I recorded here in a moment.
Kaylee is sound asleep. She had a blast splashing water out of her duck tub tonight. Trying to think if anything else of interest happened.
I know I shouldn't worry about it, but Kaylee is neither crawling nor walking. She can feed herself and hold her bottle and she seems to be hugging. So why worry about movement. I have these horrid fears she will grow up and not be able to walk as I didn't give her enough tummy time - which she hated. I am also starting to get a little worried on the teeth issue too... where are those top front teeth so she looks like a baby instead of a vampire......
I know she will be fine and I am just being a crazy mom... I really do, I think.... Maybe this is why I like to get new diapers.... coping with the stress of teeth. I wonder.
Ok, away from the pc I go. If I have thoughts worth typing I will email them from my Blackberry...
Which by the way I reiceved my Body Glove case for it. I like it. With the attached clip it is a little bigger and bulkier than my other one, but I can leave the case on to protect the screen.
Fuzzi Bunz are fine - they are pocket diapers needing inserts. I bought my first batch from Mother Eve - http://www.mothereve.com/ - which came with some inserts. I have used the mother of eden and joey bunz. I really have no taste for inserts but my hubby loves joey bunz. I have used these overnight.
I think I picked up a couple of Wonderoos next. They are fine, save they are one size and can be harder to get fitted right. They are pocket diapers too. I have actually been using these along with solid happy heinys as my night time diapers.
Happy Heinys came next. I bought most of mine from Abby's Lane - http://www.abbyslane.com/ which is a store I highly recommend. I recieved wonderful service here. Happy Heinys are better than the others as they are velcro pocket diapers. No snaps to fuss with. Anyone who has ever changed a baby can understand how hard it can be with a wiggling baby. The prints are adorable, but they will leak right through if they are not changed often enough. The solids I have not had that problem with - but I only had 1 solid for a long time. I picked up 2 more in my recent order.
I picked up some Bumkins around the same time to try out the All In One diaper. Bumkins do not keep the wetness away from baby as the others do. However they do not require an insert and I have found them to be very waterproof. They do not leak through even with the cute prints. They have sevral Dr Suess prints which I think are cool. I have some that are second hand as well as new and have had no preformace issues. I also have some second hand Fuzzi Bunz, Happy Heinys, and Wonderoos. I have had no problems with any of them.
Recently I bought a Wallypop pocket diaper from The Stork Wearhouse - http://www.thestorkwearhouse.com/index.htm - I thought I would try it out as it was cheaper new than the other diapers by about $5. I was thinking of trying the All In One they make but they did not have any mediums in stock. If I buy more Wallypops - which I probably will - I think I will go ahead and get the large. I found these not only to be cheaper, but a step above the other Velcro Diapers with the velcro on both sides of one tab, allowing for over velcroing. This allows the diaper to fit snugger if needed. With all this said - I have had the Wallypop only about a week. So we shall see how it does over time.
Finally I also bought one Rumpster All In One to try out. It also has the velcro on both sides of one tab to allow for the over velcroing. I do like this about it. The instert built into it folds out from each side to allow for faster drying. All In Ones take longer to try as the absorbant material is built into them unlike pocket diapers. I seem to be having a hard time getting the rumpster to fit right. It seemed awful small compared to the other diapers I have (other than the Wallypop which seemed small too). However I am having to use the over velcro, I think they are just a little trimmer diapers. I will give the Rumpster more time to win me over before I make a solid decsion. Unlike the Bumkins they have some material like the fleece of a Happy Heiny next to baby. I will have to see if it helps keep her dry.
Places I have bought from (other than eBay)
Abby's Lane - http://www.abbyslane.com/
The Stork Wearhouse - http://www.thestorkwearhouse.com/index.htm
Mother Eve - http://www.mothereve.com/
Diaper Junction - http://www.diaperjunction.com/
Buttercup Baby - http://www.buttercupbaby.com/store/
Labor of Love - http://www.laborofloveshack.com
I think that is everywhere. I would buy again from any of them. If I think of one I have forgotten I will add it. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Kaylee in her Rumpster
Here is Kaylee in her new Rumpster Diaper. I am not so sure about these. I am staying open minded and letting her use the diaper a few times to decide. I don't think I could like this diaper better than the Wallypop (which costs about half as much). The Rumpster is the most expensive diaper I have tried out at 20.00 a diaper. Even Bumkins have been less than that. Maybe it will prove it is worth it. In the mean time I would suggest Wallypop, Happy Heinys, and Bumkins over this diaper. Wonderoos I think are ok too, my husband doesn't like them as much as they have snaps. They are also harder to get a good fit with as they are one size fits all.
I watched Stargate Atlantis this afternoon. It was good. No Wraith for a change. I like that.
Kaylee is having a ball in her Johny Jump Up. Here is a pic I took a few minutes ago.
For awhile I didn't think she would like it. But clearly that has changed.
Its Sunday again
Here is Kaylee and Dad this morning. They are playing with toys. Kaylee saw me coming with the camera, Dad did not.
It is chilly and I am thinking my hubby will not be going fishing. Guess we will see.
Watched SG1 this AM with Kaylee. It was alright, kinda predictable from the start. But it was good. An ep with no Ori. I was glad for that :)
Saturday, January 14, 2006
My new most viewed photo
Saturday is almost over
Went to the store today, bought stuff.
Underworld 2 comes out this coming up weekend. I know thanks to TNT. We shall see if it is possible to make time to go see it. The odds are not that promising.
I am not feeling well today I am afraid. Headache and just plain old ickiness.
I need to post more. With my cool blackberry I have no excuses. I also need to try and stay a lil after work and use the gym to lose my baby weight. We shall see if I do either. :)
We bought a new car seat for Kaylee at Wal Mart today. She is getting to heavy for the old one. The handle is starting to show a lot of wear, and not in a good way. We will have to see how it goes.
As for the enw diapers, I like the Wallypop, not to excited over the Rumpster. When I get more Wallypops will be on the list, and as they are cheaper than Happy Heinys, plus they have the cool velcro on top of one of the tabs to allow velcroing on top of it, I am loving it. The Rumpsters have that too, but they cost more and did not fit Kaylee well. Maybe with some use it will get better. The liners I bought are huge, but the doublers and inserts are working nicely.
I got around to watching Monk today. I thought it was a great episode. And apparently John Doe will be running at 7pm on Fridays on Sci Fi. My hubby texted me at work last night to tell me. Surface has my attention so we will see what will happen on Monday. Of course Sunday - tomorrow - brings us a new Desperate Housewivies.
Its been windy today. Wasn't frigid as I feared, atleast not while I was out. But it might be a bit frosty out now and in the AM.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Late at night
Well thank heavens Wednesday is OVER. I received 2 new solid happy hienys, they leak less than prints. I got my cool bumkins wet bag and a new brand of diaper to try. Can't wait to try them :)
Will have to see how it goes.
My knee is acting up. I hope its nothing.
Trying to think if there is anything else of note tonight??
I am hearing it might get cold again. I don't like the cold. Its why I came to Florida. I hated having to drive to and from work in snow and ice. Freezing cold outside always trying to snake in to get you. Not for me. I am loving the weather here. Its nice and warm and lots of sun. I think my parents are liking it too.
There is something I am forgetting. I hate it when I do this. Oh well. If I remember.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Nice N Full
Kaylee is sleeping and my husband should be home soon. I have been trying not to listen to the people in the hallway. I live on the 3rd floor and the hallway is covered but open to the elements. There were people in the hallway talking loud enough I could hear. I peeked out of the peep hole and I couldn't see anyone, but there was a stroller. No baby, but I am sure they had fun hauling it up the steps. It wasn't a small one for a bigger kid either. It was the three wheel kind they market to runners or people who like to walk off road. I knew I had heard a small child earlier, but I figured it was the other one in the building. Every now and then I hear it. I think its a girl too, but I don't know, I have never seen it.
I worry sometimes when we are out, people will get false ideas about babies when they see Kaylee. She is so well behaved it is scary. I hope she will not be worse later.
So I am playing with Google Local on my Blackberry. So I searched for Wal Mart in my zipcode. Lets see what I get. I got results and it even gave me the option to call Wal Mart. The problems come when I try to get driving directions. I have tried a couple times with no luck. For Wal Mart it told me it couldn't find the address for Wal Mart. So its not perfect, but the map is cool.
Waiting on the Pizza to Cook
So I used the two new diapers. They were too cute..
I can't wait to get the rest of the stuff.
I have yet to play with google local on the Blackberry.... been busy doing laundry, cleaning a lil, and mostly playing with Kaylee...
Wait... the timer
It is now Tuesday
Kaylee was a happy baby, save when she smashed her head into the table at the resturant today. We had a late breakfeat out with my Mom, Dad, and Grandma. Had to leave there and go to work. Work was busy.
Got two diapers I ordered Friday night in the mail today. Talk about fast. They are Bumkins, cute Dr Seuess Prints. I can't wait to have Kaylee try them out. I am a little worried she will out grow them too fast, but she is almost 8 months old and still in small Fuzzi Bunz. Bumkins are super easy to use, but they do not keep her as dry as the pocket diapers.
AND FINALLY Google local available for Blackberrys. I downloaded it as soon as I read about it (on Blackberry Cool - www.blackberrycool.com). Haven't had a lot of time to play with it, so we shall see how it goes. I hate it when new things are available for cheesy cell phones and not for what I call superphones, like a Blackberry or Sidekick. The link is www.google.com/glm if you are interested.
Ok, and for a picture today.... I have a picture my Hubby and friend took of a shark in the ocean yesterday. And my hubby said Kaylee and I should have been there.... please.
Did not take any Kaylee pics today I am afraid. I did take a snapshot of something that scared me in the wee hours Monday... keep in mind it was Dark
And here is Zander stuck to my Mom's rug by his tags.
And although there is not a Kaylee pic from today I will pull an older one for the family and friends that need a Kaylee fix (although you can click on my Flickr page and get your fill - or Yahoo 360).
Monday, January 09, 2006
Sunday night
Another weekend has ended, a new week in a new year. Kaylee had fun at Steak and Shake. She is normally a wonderful baby when we go out. We went to Toys R Us and looked at toddler car seats. Kaylee is almost ready for the leap from infant carrier to toddler seat.
I hate the waiting part when I order stuff online, but I love getting presents in the mail during the week.
Darn it. I had a thought and it just ran away. It was kidnapped by a TV commercial.
I got a USB memory thing at Target today. 256mb for 19.99. I needed something to get Kaylee's pictures from my Mom's PC to mine. I have been having trouble getting them online in a timely manner. This was much easier. Just drag and drop and carry the little bugger home and poof the pics are on my PC. I love technology.
Hubby went fishing on the ocean with his buddy. Apparently they caught some fish, which they threw back. They had a great time. Ofcourse then I got to tease him.
Can't think of more now. Until next time.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Kaylee and Her Book
Kaylee is showing off her ability to read. And she is not even 8 months old yet.
Its cute tho. She recieved the book for Christmas and has quickly learned how to fool us all into thinking she can read. That is my girl.
By the by, who turned the temp down. It shouldn't be cold in Florida. It should be illegal. It should be atleast 60 every day... year round. If I put up with all the bad drivers I should at least never get another chilly day... **sigh** A girl can dream I guess.
This week has been long... we shall see how next week goes.
I ordered a couple of new diapers to try out. We shall see how that goes. I prefer the velcro to the snaps any day. It is much easier to get on a wiggling little baby. The All In Ones are easier - no stuffing - but they don't keep baby as dry. I did order some liners to try out to resolve that too. The Bumkins prints are less likely to leak when wet, which is a problem with the Happy Hienys prints. They are not 100% water proof and wettness will start to come through if you dont change them fast enough. Which is not such a problem with Fuzzi Bunz (which have snaps) and Bumkins. I prefer a mixture. And presently at night I use the one solid HH and Wonderoos (one size pocket diaper) - Wonderoos snap too and more snaps as they are one size. My hubby does not like the Wonderoos at all. And he swears by the Joey Bunz inserts. I think I have run on enough about diapers.
I ordered a new case for my Blackberry today off of Ebay. I haven't had much luck looking for a screen protector, so I will try something else. Its a Body Glove case, so I am hoping I will like it. Why don't they make cute Care Bears or Rainbow Brite.... heck I would settle for a cute Disney Charater... case for a Blackberry. No cute cases for those of us who like to use useful modern tech instead of icky flip phones.... oh well. I will have to get some stickers I like :) I like that idea.
Well my husband is complaining I am typing too much and this entry has run on and on about so many different things. Until Next Time.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Its late
Its late on Tuesday and I am tired. Headed off to bed to get some serious shut eye. Here's hoping I sleep better tonight.
Lots of stuff keeping me busy at work and so much stuff getting piled up and backed up at home. I will survive I suppose.
I feel the urge to write something... I just can not figure out what.... I hate it when this happens. Its unnerving. Kinda like when I was pregnant and I wanted something to eat.... but I could never figure out what that something was.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Here is Kaylee today. This is an outfit Grandma E gave her for Christmas that dad likes as it is baby looney toons.
And I just think this picture is too cute. I am apparently going picture crazy. I think I have taken a picture almost every day this week. Of course who can help it with a cute baby?
I watched the specail get caught up show of Desperate Housewives last night. A friend at work loves it and I thought I might check it out. Might be interesting, so I am added it to my DVR's record list. Started watching the new Surface, only about half way when Kaylee peed on us both and it was time for a bath. As soon as I am done here I will be back to it.
The apparently never ending search for not so expensive screen cover for my Blackberry continues. Don't get me wrong... I love it. I have the T Mobile 7100t. IM, email, and web with me where ever I go. And better than the Sidekick (which I used to have) because you can download all sorts of 3rd party programs and ringtones. The think I hated about the Sidekick was that I was limited to only what T Mobile would allow me to have.
And the search for the toddler car seat.... Kaylee is closing in on 8 months and 20 lbs. **Sigh** Cuz they are not cheap.
Anyhow... have to get off the PC and finish Surface so I can get to bed. Don't wanna get stuck pondering what happened..... plus I might take some time to try writing again.... Scary, I know.