Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Weather Weather What Is The Weather

We live out in the middle of no where.  Most weather apps will pick up weather stations that are rather far away, 20 - 40 miles away.  That can make a big difference in the actual temperature, wind and such.  We had the basic what is the temperature outside stations but wanted to see more as in the winter in Iowa the wind can make a huge difference and the news stations themselves are in a city an hour drive away.

My husband looked at some on amazon and then I can across a lightning deal on amazon on an Accurite 1500 weather station.  Below is the link on amazon if you want to see it.
AcuRite 01500 Wireless Weather Station with Wind and Rain Sensor

Overall it works great. My husband installed it on a shed away from trees.  It does recommend to use Lithium batteries in the outside portions if it gets cold, which it does here, so we had to pick some up before getting everything started.
The inside panel works great and has lots of info available.  It is back-lit.  It includes programmable alarms, but no silent mode to keep them from going off at 2am while you are sleeping, so we turned most of them off in the first day or two.

What this unit doesn't include is a way to see the data remotely.  I went directly to AcuRite to see what I could do.  They have a internet bridge which takes the weather data the sensor is providing and sends it to their online site that you can access via the web or smartphone app.
AcuRite (http://www.acurite.com) sells models that are like my 1500 with the same sensor and similar indoor screens but either include the bridge or have the ability to connect to your pc or laptop directly via USB.
However you still can only send data easily to AcuRite and Weather Underground.  I personally was fine with using Weather Underground, but my husband prefers Weather Bug.  And the AcuRite set up (Acu-Link) only sends data to WU every 15 minutes.
In comes the Meteobridge (http://www.meteobridge.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) which is a little box that the Aculink bridge goes through and it allows you to send data to other weather services such as Weather Bug and faster data updates to WU.  Its not cheap.  You can flash certain low end routers with the program, try it free for 14 days, and then pay the license fee for it.  Or you can buy on already set up and should include a license.  This works for more than just AcuRite stations if you are wondering.

So far once I got it all set up it seems to be working great.
Only drawback - the WeatherBug Andorid app doesn't let you see backyard weather stations as they call them.  So you have to go to the mobile website for weather bug to see it.  I had no issue with WU in the app seeing my station.

Its nice to see my actual weather conditions regardless of where I am.  Its also nice to share the data with others who would otherwise be seeing data that is far away.
I like to look at the graphs on WU each day.  Maybe it will wear off after while, but maybe not.
Below is a shot of the station if you want to see it.

Monday, October 14, 2013

I Tried Canning

Well, my parents are back in Florida.  It has turned cooler here in Iowa and today is rainy and cool.

I have actually tried some canning.  I picked up a beginners kit on amazon that came with some recipes that I have tried.  The apple butter turned out pretty good.  I think its just applesauce, but the kids and hubby loved the extra bit that didn't make it in a jar.  We have some apple trees here so I used those apples.
Today I am trying a barbecue sauce.
Which by the way, why is it called canning when its really jaring?  I am not putting stuff in cans, but jars.
If you want to check out the kit I started with its --
Ball® Home Canning Discovery Kit (by Jarden Home Brands)

Still working on unpacking the stuff and getting the new house in order.  Once we unpacked enough to get by we stalled out a little.  I am trying to figure out what to do with my clothes.  I am no good with this organizing and putting away of stuff.  But I am the worst with my clothes, not to mention I have a lot of clothes.  Also need to conquer the computer room at some point.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Still Breathing

I am still here.... just been working on moving in and my parents arrived for a visit a week ago, so its keeping me very busy :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Quick Update

We have been super busy moving and getting set up in the new to us house.  Still a work in progress.

I did download an update on my BlackBerry Q10 today.  Haven't really looked at it yet.

Still loving my screen protector.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Gallifreyan Translator - From Doctor Who - For the BlackBerry Q10

Good morning to the world.

I tried out another app on my BlackBerry Q10.  This time it is the Gallifreyan Translator.  If you have no clue what Gallifreyan is then you need to pop over to Amazon Prime Videos (you have Prime don't you) and watch Doctor Who.

This app is just for fun.  It downloaded with no issue for me. When it opens up you type in the text you want translated.  I trying with How Are You Today?  Below is the result.

You can also save a file from your phone, say from your friend and open them up in the app and it shows you the English text it represents.

Pretty cool for Doctor Who fans.  Even if you just post up a random image for fun.
As for the accuracy of the translations, I watch the show, but I don't speak the language, so I can't say. Overall pretty cool regardless.

I wish there was a version on the Android app store.  I looked in Google Play and only found a Gallifreyan Clock.
I could see this being fun to send the images to my husband and him back to me as secret messages.  :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

BlackBerry Q10 - Checking Out PolarBear and QuickPost

I still have my BlackBerry Q10 and it works great over WiFi.  I still use it for BBM sometimes and play with it.
I noticed PolarBear is now out officially for BlackBerry 10 and I wanted to give it a go.  First thing I want to point out to anyone curious about it -- It is NOT a Twitter app.  It simply lets you post the same thing to multiple places.  It supports Twitter, Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger, and Alpha.App.net.  They say there is more to come.
It lets you post from the browser and other apps.

There is another app I discovered QuickPost that does basically the same thing.  It supports BBM, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp.  It says more are to come as well.  It allows for attaching pictures.

I tried them both out today, but I don't think I am likely to use them. I usually post to twitter while looking over my twitter feed, usually Blaq on my BlackBerry and UberSocial on my S3.  I don't think I will leave twitter to go another app to make my post.  Same goes for Facebook, BBM, Google+, Blogger.  I guess there could be occasions when I want to post one thing to them all and then it might be useful, like when I update my blog.  But I do it so infrequently that I never really saw a need for an app to do it for me.

They both work well and have a good interface, so it really comes down to if the app covers the site you need it to.

I prefer it when an app offers access to more than one social media site, like Facebook and Twitter and Foursquare in one app.  This usually allows for cross posting if you want it from the app while you are looking at the feed there.

Just my two cents.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My ArmorSuit Is Finally On

So the husband finally put on my new screen protector for me and I am so much happier.  It doesn't gather smudges like the old one did.  Having used it on my Q10 and on his Fire 8.9 I am so glad to have it on my S3.
True to form it went on pretty easy, but we did wait overnight for it to dry.  There were a couple bubbles but within 24 hours they were gone.
Hands down ArmorSuit MilitaryShield Protectors are the best screen protectors I have used.

I have also been reading a lot.  Finished off Ender's Game over the weekend.  I wasn't going to read it the first couple of times I came across it, but then I saw the movie preview with Harrison Ford so it was the first thing I started after seeing City of Bones.  I didn't regret it either.  It was a good read with some interesting twists in it.  I didn't realize when I finished it there are actually additional books around and about Ender and his world.  I will have to try and make time to go back and read them.

I don't think I have mentioned it here but I am an avid reader and tend to collect eBooks to read like some people collect kick knacks for their shelves.  I don't run into a lack of eBooks to pick from, I run into trouble picking the one I want to read next.  I also prefer a book in a series to invest myself into.  However when I reach the last book its always a bit sad to leave those people and that world behind.

I just finished The Demon King in about 2 days.  It was really good.  I stumbled on it in my local library's online book selection and wanted to read it.  I like Han and Raisa and enjoyed bouncing between their lives that are closer than they imagine.
I can't wait to see what happens next. :)

Saturday, September 07, 2013

First TaeKwonDo Classes Survived

So we signed up the girls for weekly TaeKwonDo Classes at the Rec Center.  Today was the first class.  Discovered we didn't have good shirts for them to wear under their uniform, so I ended up using one of my tank tops for each of them. Had to take a ponytail holder to the straps for each of them.  Needless to say undershirts/tshirts for the uniforms are on my shopping list.

Billie participated just enough to get by.  She likes to stand by and scope out the situation before getting involved, so I expect next week she will be more into it.
Kaylee was all in from the moment she started.  She really liked it.

Been playing with Instagram on my new Galaxy.  Never tried it before.  Seems like its not quite Facebook or Flickr, but some where else I have to post my pictures...lol

Still waiting on the hubby to put on my new screen protector, so I can't comment on it yet.

I have been trying Go Launcher, Go Locker, Go SMS.  I like the themes, makes it kind of fun.  The kids like to check out the themes too... almost too much.

Here are some pics from TaeKwonDo:

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Wednesday's Ramblings

Still waiting on the hubby to put my new screen protector on my phone...

We went to South Dakota for the holiday.  Got to see the baby peacocks, so cute.

Suddenly the kids are busy.  We have a program at the Arthur Library Tuesday after school, Sunday School Wednesday after school, Martial Arts Saturday mornings.  Kaylee was invited to her first birthday party.  Looks like the kids are fitting right in.

I finally got to see City of Bones, so I started a new book afterwards, right now I am reading Ender's Game.

I need to start working on my story, it will give me something to do while the kids are away.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Mystery of the Wet Backpack SOLVED :)

Billie (5) started Kindergarten and gets to take a backpack now.  I noticed this week it was coming home wet.  I couldn't figure it out.  I pulled out the papers and looked.  I suspected she was dropping the water bottle in the bag without having the lid on.  She said she was not.
I even went so far as to forget the water bottle to see if it would get dry...

Today the teacher sends home a note
The Note The Back Of the Note
If you can't see the pics, there was a mushy pear she put in her bag one day at lunch... yuck... and somehow I missed it each time I looked in the bag.  Its in the wash now.... hopefully that helps.

In other strange events from today... I helped the husband catch grasshoppers for fishing tonight.  They make a lot of noise inside a bottle.

UPDATE on the backpack --- it survived the washer on delicate... now its drying out.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

HOT out there

My husband, Dave, was excited to move back to Iowa.  Its not as hot as Florida he said.  The bank said 100 earlier for the temperature.... and in FL it is 86 according to weatherbug, which says it is 90 here.

So guess what - Iowa isn't cooler than Florida today.  I feel much better saying that after walking to the library and back twice for the kids... :) They are still at the library hanging out while I cool off.

Otterbox is going strong :)

Well, I am still using the Galaxy S4. The Otterbox case is doing great. Only the screen protector leaves room for improvement (Hurry up new protector and get here). I have dropped the phone a few times and had no issues.  I am still getting used to the buttons on the phone, versus my Q10 - but that isn't because of the case.

Below are some pictures of the case if anyone is curious.

T-Mobile service is gone on our 2 main lines.  I will miss them, we have had the service and numbers almost 10 years, but they have no coverage here.

Ordered a Fridge and Dishwasher today, which will probably go in the shed with the clothes washer and dryer until we can get moved in.  Sooner rather than later hopefully. But we can't have no where to do laundry and keep drinks cold :)

Everyone, Kaylee (8), Billie (5), Dave, and myself have all been playing the Muppet Show game on the fires.  Not sure why we all find it so amusing, but we do.  Billie was so excited when Dave got Miss Piggy on his stage.
The other thing the kids like is the library.  They have been going regularly.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hello again

Hello again.... It's been awhile... a lot has changed. We moved, not my choice. Had to get a new phone provider... and while I have my Q10 which works fine on WiFi I am using an andriod now for my phone, a Galaxy S3 - like the one below.
When I bought it I picked up an Otterbox Commuter case.  You can see the case below.  I have to admit there are much better colors for cases than the normal black I could get for BlackBerrys.  I like the case, not a fan of the screen protector that came with it.  So I ordered myself an ArmorSuit for it, which I adored on my Q10 and the hubby likes on his Fire 8.9.


 Its taking some adjustment. I don't like the way it handles emails vs my Blackberry, but I didn't really have much of an option. The provider here doesn't support the newer Blackberrys, only the older ones I have already and we had to go with a contact to get the coverage we needed, so I needed to pick out a phone.  We couldn't get the Q10 working on the data side, but I haven't tried.  It is a GSM provider so I can pop my sim in my Q10 at any time. :)  Of course it works over WiFi too.

The kids are enjoying the new school so far.  Its a lot smaller than what they are used to.

 We have a fire, fire hd (7) and two fire hd 8.9's in the family now too. Although the last few days I have been playing with the S3 more than the fires. Trying to get a feel for it.