Well, the weekend is almost here and I am ready. I have to go into work early in the AM, so I need to get to bed, but I wanted to drop a line. I am hoping things at work will settle down a lil and I will have more time for the other things in life, like my blog.
And I need to take more pictures of Kaylee. I have been so naughty on that count. Apparently she has become very good at moving around in the walker at my Mom's, where there are mostly tile floors. Mom swears Kaylee has more than two hands with all the stuff she can get into. It is Kaylee's first taste at being self mobile.
I still love my BB. I have a cool Jedi theme. It rocks.
There was something else.. what was it?
Oh, tomorrow, is Friday and it may be Blackberry DDay. We will see what the judge says. We are drawing to that moment, so better make any bets that you will. LOL. I hope NTP gets nothing. But that is just me. I certainly hope there is not an inturrruption in BB service. I will be distraut without my BB there to answer my every beck and call.
BTW - Apparently there was a new show on the Public Schools in the USA. I heard snippets from The Hideout on Real Radio tonight. They were talking about how bad USA schools came out. And something about children scoring worst on as they got older and farther into the school system. Children did not know what caused the Civil War, or what the Bill of Rights was for. What is the world coming to?!?!? These are important basic facts that I think everyone should know. I am no expert on legal issues or the Civil War (as much as possible when you were raised outside of Richmond, VA) but I know the answers to those questions without even thinking about it. This seems to be another brick to support home schooling Kaylee. Not sure where we will pick up the time from. I am sure we will figure something out.
On this less than positive note I have to log off and get to bed. Hope everyone is having a wonderful night.
Until next time....